This week I am beginning a series of weekly posts about fetishes from A to Z. The idea is to give inspiration and elucidate keys aspects of some of the most popular kinks out there. I am fond of many of those, but if you want to discover which, you will have to get in touch with me ;).
Let's first explain, fetishes are a sexual arousing by an object, activities, or body parts other than the genitals, those may go as far as your imagination can. The word Fetish is derived from the French word Fétiche, which comes from the Portuguese Feitiço (Spell), I put a spell on you hã? The Portuguese word turns out to come from the Latin Facticius (artificial) and facere(to make). By this, we can understand that fetish is the art of making things sexual out of non-sexual contexts.
Starting from the first letter of the Alphabet, today's fetish word starts with an A. Can you guess it? I will give you a hint, it is very tight! Yes, now it is easy to guess, it is A for Anal Sex Fetish, it can range from penetrating a finger, butt plugs, dildos, other objects, or the penis in the ass hole. Also, oral sex can be practiced, licking and kissing the anus.
Some people are afraid of engaging in anal sex because they are afraid of feeling pain, but that's just a myth because the anal muscles can stretch, it is just a matter of beginning with smaller proportions until you feel comfortable and can control the butt hole stretching. Some sex positions can help while trying it, sideways can be a great one to start with, doggy style is the traditional go-to. Many times the pain associated with anal sex is due to psychological reasons, so it is important to relax and let your self enjoy the practice. Some sex positions can help while